Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

3 Habits to Improve Your Mental Game

Something I say regularly to teams and clients is mental skills are just like physical skills.  You have to practice and rehearse them regularly for them to be there, especially if you are wanting to get to the next level.  Here are 3 mental game habits that can have a big impact on helping you […]

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Stress in Sports and Academics

stress kids soccer player walking off field

Next month, August 15th, is National Relaxation Day.  A special day recognized in the United States as a day to think about stress, and focus on relaxing and finding calm in the daily stress of life.  When it comes to sports and academics, more and more pressure is being loaded onto athletes.  Especially for youth […]

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How to Make Practice Really Count

ohio golf putting

If you have been a competitor for a while, then you have probably heard the phrase ‘Practice makes perfect’.  There is actually a greater truth: Practice Makes Permanent! A great quote from a well-known football coach, Vince Lombardi, is “Practice does not make perfect.  Only perfect practice makes perfect.” However you view it, the things […]

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How Much of Your Sports Performance is Mental Game?

This is a question I like to ask athletes.  “How much of your performance is mental game?”  I’ll get answers like 50%….75%….most of it…..probably all of it….and everything in between.  There is really no way to give a specific, science-based number to it.  Part of it is because answers change from person to person, and also […]

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Coming Back From a Loss or Choke

Why is resilience in sports important?  Because everyone makes mistakes.  Everyone has moments where they choke.  Last week my son bought a ball.  It was one of the bouncy balls that you see in a quarter machine at various stores.  It had a mix of colors, and was a little smaller than a baseball.  As […]

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Tips for Managing Negative Thinking

Negative thinking can cripple your ability in sports. I operate on a very simple, but powerful, principle:  Performance = Potential – Interference That is, your peak performance can be reached, when there is no interference that is hindering your true potential.  That is true for athletics, performances, competitions, business; really overall life in general. One major […]

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