How Much of Your Sports Performance is Mental Game?
This is a question I like to ask athletes. “How much of your performance is mental game?” I’ll get answers like 50%….75%….most of it…..probably all of it….and everything in between. There is really no way to give a specific, science-based number to it. Part of it is because answers change from person to person, and also because it can be a little tough to define what is related to the mental games and what is not.
Let’s break this down…the Mental Toughness way
Almost every athlete agrees that the mental game is a very important part of their sports performance. But, let’s look at that a little closer.
As The Mental Toughness Trainer, I personally define mental toughness as being:
- Confident
- Focused
- Determined
- Resilient
And, having those characteristics consistently….even in high pressure moments. Those words may be easy to just read over and not really think much about them. But, consider for a moment how it is when you don’t have even just one of those qualities dialed in. How does that really matter when it comes to being the best at your sport?
If you weren’t determined… do you think you would be motivated to get up early, practice hard, or learn new skills? Would you give your best at practice? Would you push through the struggles and mistakes to make yourself better?
If you didn’t understand focus…do you think you could communicate clearly with your team, or take on different tasks at the same time? Could you recall the small moves and fundamentals needed to run a play or routine? How would you be able to take on new personal goals?
If you lacked confidence…how could you make successful split-second decisions, or perform under pressure? What would your true self-talk sound like on a daily basis? Could you play with assertiveness? Could you be in the zone, consistently?
If you didn’t know how to be resilient…what would you do and say after a mistake? How would you go into the next meet without letting the last loss effect you? How would you master your emotions when you choke during a big play?
These are some pretty basic examples, and it is far from a complete list of what you experience as an athlete. But, they are a huge part of being successful in any sport. Or, even in life.
What am I Saying?
I’m saying that it does not matter how strong you are, how fast you are, or how your physical abilities add up. If your not mentally tough, you will never perform to your full potential consistently.
If you are a top athlete, but you struggle with your emotions or with being confident, then you will always be in an uphill battle. Why? Because the mental game is far and away the most important part of sports and competition. That goes for pro and amateur athletes!
I won’t try to put a number to it, but I would not hesitate to say it is the #1 thing that can make you or break you; in sports and in life.
The Mental Game – What it Comes Down To
In competition, many times it doesn’t come down to which competitor is stronger or more talented. Many times it all comes down to who has the most solid mental game. In other words, who has the least mental interference.
When I work with athletes, I take them through an incredible, personalized process that teaches them exactly what they need to clear out mental interferences, so they can consistently perform to their potential. I make it easy for you to understand what is holding you back, and how you can change that. If you think you could benefit from something like this, then CONTACT me today and let’s have a quick, free call to discuss your goals. Don’t let the mental game hold you back!
Keep Rocking,
Gregg Pruett – The Mental Toughness Trainer
Columbus, OH